Not a daily thing any more.... not even weekly. I'm just back from my little bike trip to the post office. Huffing and puffing. Again, a week off puts one a month behind in conditioning. But low tire pressure had something to do with it, too. I'll have to fill before the next time.
I get these thoughts when I travel, in the car, on the bike --- and generally when I can't afford total distraction or absorption. Like laying in bed dreading the day ahead. Less dread into the day, usually, than at the start. But I sit to write and can't recall these ruminations. Most my obsessing today has to do with Sunday School. I talk too much. I talk too impulsively self-promoting. I'm not such a good listener. Same in OA meetings. Same in a classroom. Same in one-on-one with anyone. I don't serve my self well in general by my ways, nor am I served by not being myself. It sucks to be me. There's a step for that -- the 7th, I think. Let God make me a better man. I don't hold much hope of becoming anything other than who I already am. I'm not sure who I wish I could be. My confession (as opposed to my belief) is that I can discover in myself who I wish to be, not in being a replica of another. I already am what God wishes me to be, made me to be. But sick and corrupt and obscured. It's there. I've just lost sight, or never had sight. What I believe is that the essence of me is in the corruption, not some Logos or Atman or Psyche. I have as much trouble believing in such as I do believing in God, though I confess God. One thing I remember thinking was that I wish Christianity were true, at least the kind of Christianity I confess and try to make known. Not the kind that scares me and others away as incurious, belligerent and manipulative. How nice it would be if the Christianity I wish were true, was indeed true. How might one become confident in that hope, or at long last abandon it (abandon all hope?).
Anyhow -- some of what I was thinking had to do with metaphor of snacking -- of the tendency to take gratification to gluttony -- all or nothing at all. I don't know how to be small -- only absent or -- can't find a word -- over-engaged, or disengaged. And then burned out and moving on elsewhere.
Meals -- breakfast was MTR Ramja Masala on half a spaghetti squash. I also has a brownie and some potato chips. The whole snack thing is still an obstacle. I don't like the idea of bringing food to work, even when the idea occurs to me, which it usually doesn't. I did take a small step to snacking -- had to spend my eBay bucks, and ended up spending them on some thermos bottles. I buy lots of things to help me do things I don't care to do. I end up with lots of things I never use.
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