Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Writing again after 2 week hiatus

I've been back from my trip for a while, but just now getting back to writing this blog, after doing it daily for a week.  What really broke the trend was sour feelings Tuesday and Wednesday before the trip -- a disappointing absence from the Weds OA meeting and a particularly nasty tirade from my wife, who repeatedly invites me to leave her.  The emotions associated with such things do bring me to take refuge in shopping, cooking, and eating food -- my triune addiction.

The trip was pleasant, but yet another reminder that I've fallen so far since 1991, and haven't found my way back. Just like the reminder from the fellow at church.  I've made something of a pledge to myself to go regular to that church and its social/discipleship offerings.  My sister and her husband have a huge house and a pretty well-ordered life and a decent friendship between them.  I enjoyed their company.  Food on the trip was not a big problem.  I did drink lots of beer.  I did feel somewhat veggie-less, but some chinese food (which made me at least 4 meals from leftovers) and a salad at a dinner with my cousins provided plenty.  I did a day on a rented bike and a day on foot.  Otherwise not terribly active.

Sunday I did an OA meeting.  I've not really gone walking after since my walking partner stopped coming.  I haven't done any real walking/biking since getting home.  Today did a few laps around GF9 and Crutchfield buildings.  Tomorrow would be a good bike day.  An enterprising person would set up the car carrier for my bike and take it with me to meeting for a ride in or around C-ville.  I do plan to go to meeting.

Food today -- Cabbage this morning, with this and that.  I had some sandwiches at intervals during the day -- cheese and seafood salad.  Donna cooked pork chops, sweet potato fries, and steamed cauliflower and carrots with some salad dressing.  I enjoyed that.  Last night I made something kinda like borscht.  I had 4 small beets that I roasted, peeled, and julienned which went into what started as onion soup -- with a leftover steak, two onions sliced fine, some celery/carrots/fennel/mushrooms/cabbage, and I guess that's about it.  Finished it off with a couple tbsp of cream cheese -- add a bit of richness to the broth.  I have a bowl I could heat up right now.  I started writing to keep me from staring in the refrigerator.  That or some table grapes for a nightcap.  Perhaps, though, it's late for a nightcap.  I should try to fast after 9 PM.  The soup would be a good breakfast.

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