Saturday, September 22, 2012

Bike ride

I hadn't been on a long ride since Labor Day.  Today was a good day for a ride -- temperate and no pressing business.  My GPS watch was uncharged, so I just rode without it.  Doing a route map, I see I rode about 20 miles.  Didn't keep track of the time.  I know I was spent toward the end.  Took my smoothie along.  It really hit the spot toward the end of the ride, still partially frozen.  I ate the last lump like a popsicle.  Besides that, I had 3 500ml bottles of water, an Arizona diet Arnold Palmer, some water at a rec center, and a 12-oz coffee early on, and one of those Kelloggs newtony things.  Before the ride, 3 bologna and provolone sandwiches on bagel thins with some farmers market pesto.  Also a single serving yogurt.

Made 6 stuffed peppers.  Ate 3.  Donna ate 1.  I put two in the fridge for a quick breakfast.  Still have a bowl of filler.  My idea was to cook it inside a pie pumpkin.  I just might.

I leave for a trip in a few days -- Thursday morning train to Boston to visit my sister and see my favorite band in concert.  I'll visit a few site of family-history interest.  Find some nice walks.  I'm not sure when or how, but I'd like to visit near Wickford RI on a rental bike.

I've not done much today recovery-related.  Sponsor-seeking will be deferred until back from my trip.  Tomorrow, I'll go to church again, probably.  Like many people, I'm not so sure God's found in a church.  Alienation more like it.  But I'm not sure where else to look. Which reminds me -- Stephen Mitchell apparently has done translation of both the Gita and the Tao Te Ching.  I need to seek them out -- other Mitchell too.  I trust him.  He elucidates.

Snacking tonight.... I really need to clear out the fridge in the next 3 days.  Mostly stuff that spoils.  I'll let that be my guide.  I've got some surplus spinach ricotta filling from last week that needs attention.  Baked pasta -- yah, kinda dinnerish, but better that than pastry pig out.

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