Wednesday, September 19, 2012



I'm Bob

I'm 57 years old.

I'm 6 foot 4 inches tall.

I weigh 360 pounds.

My waistline is nearly 60 inches

My glucose is roughly 110

My HbA1c is roughly 5.8

My Total Cholesterol is just under 200

My HDL is well under 40

My resting pulse is about 65

My blood pressure is generally under 120/80

I'm a compulsive over eater.

Trying to find my way to recovery with the help of Overeaters Anonymous, I'm starting to write, one of the nine tools of recovery.

Most folks know the Steps.  I've really not even taken the first.

I've taken the kind of steps outlined in what appears to be a defunct website,

  •  I don't drink soda. 
  •  I shop the perimeter, not the aisles. 
  •  I have fresh produce daily, multiples kinds, multiples times, with multiple means of preparation. 
  •  I eat mostly whole grains.  
  •  I eat fatty fish, mostly pink (fresh caught Chum) salmon, but also sardines.  I don't eat much white fish. 
  •  I eat meat in moderation. 
  •  I eat beans when I can.  
  •  I take several short walks/bike rides daily. 
  •  I take a couple long walks/rides each week. 
  •  I get my probiotics, from diary or cabbage.  
  •  I avoid stress -- perhaps pathologically so, placing stress on others as a consequence. 
  •  I get adequate sleep, though I ought be using a BiPAP ventilator, which I gave up using. 
  •  I don't take any medications or suppliments, though there have been times I took several.  

I'm struggling with starting with the tools.  I found a sponsor today.  I'm getting ready to make a food plan and action plan.  Tentatively --- I want to eat less at a time, and more often, except at night, when I graze on this thing and that, mostly that.  I can allow myself 3000 calories.  I estimate I typically eat around 5000, about half that after  8 PM.  A rough schedule of eating would be

  • 9 AM -- 1000 cal, being 2 eggs, or 1 cup (dry) of whole grain or 3 med potatoes with 2 cups of veggies, 3 oz of meat (or 6 of beans) and 2-3 tbsp of cooking oil (I hesitate to commit to using only vegetable oils)
  • 12 Noon -- 300 cal snack (fruity)
  • 3 PM -- 300 cal snack (sandwichy)
  • 6 PM -- 1000 cal, being 6 oz meat, starchy side or bread, and veggie side -- or some kind of stew/ragout
  • 9 PM -- 400 cal nightcap -- a good time for kimchi/kraut and hummus/refried beans and such.
I'm not sure what that will amount to in the specifics.  My big deal is portable snacks for mid-day.  It's not something I really care to do -- I'd rather fast between breakfast and supper, but I'm told time and again that this is not good for me.

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