Friday, November 9, 2012

Finally according to plan

I pretty much followed through with the plan put up last night.  Cabbage for breakfast -- meatless, with an assortment of other veggies -- two bowls full -- regular size bowl.  Simple sandwich packed -- just some cold cut turkey on whole grain wheat.  Funny thing -- sugar was right up there on the ingredient list.  Third, I think -- I forget what was second.  But 4g sugars per serving.  Did most get fermented away?  Also a frozen smoothie made a couple weeks ago -- mostly from cantalope.  It was my late snack -- took that long to melt.  I ate both outdoors.  I'm not bringing food into the workplace -- kept it in my car until ready to eat.  Nice, I guess, to have structured breaks, too.  I spent more time at work than in a long time, but didn't get a whole lot done.  I get a whole lot less done when I let the slow pace of everything deter me from doing anything at all. 

Home I mixed an egg in half a can of mackerel, added some bread crumbs and hummus and used that as a binder for jullienned sweet potato, carrot, and broccoli stem.  Not much seasoning -- I figured the ingredients would carry plenty.  Made 3 large patties cooked dry -- for quite a while too.  Kinda crusty on either side, but a decent texture inside.  Not too fishy.  I ate with some guacamole.  Finished about 8:30.  Maybe no snack tonight.  I called my proto-sponsor and mentioned ground turkey as a snack.  I guess I'm committed to that.  That or nothing.  Maybe some fluids instead -- some silk fruit drink and plain kefir.  We'll see.

I did the post office bike ride.  Filled the tires first.  It does make one helluva difference.

Now to ponder tomorrow.  I've a vague desire to get to the RTF trail day.  But I never feel much like doing anything at all in the morning, especially that time of the morning.  I think leftover Gen Tso for a quick breakfast.  Not sure what could carry with me.  I'd like to eat out if I'm going out, but not sure when this whole thing breaks up.  I'll just take a sport bar I've kept around for such an occasion.  Buffets are where I eat, usually.  Cici's is out -- perhaps forever and ever.  One of four indian options are my preference.  Chinese has been disappointing, as far as filling my plate with veggies.  American buffets, of which I only know Wood Grill -- most have shut down, are great for a healthy plate, as well as a pig out plate.  If I have a buffet weakness, it would be smoked sausage.  That might be a binge food thing in OA, like CiCis.  I'm sure I can pass it up, with incredible regret, though.  Potatoes are another tasty option I need to refuse -- I love french fries with brown gravy, or home fries and sausage gravy.  Lately, I get the baked sweet and turn down the butter, brown sugar, and such.  We'll see -- I'll probably go indian, anyhow.  Late meal -- That will be the ground turkey -- some kind of ragout served over spaghetti squash.

I read the chapter in AA big book after Bill's Story.  I forget what it's called, but talks mostly about the hopelessness of alcoholism absent God's intervention.  I have to attribute spiritual transformation entirely to God's action.  I was pondering today that His apparent inaction, though, is no excuse for mine.  I remember a joke of a man refusing rescue three times, saying 'God will save me' -- he finally dies and asked God why he didn't save him. God responds -- I sent a bus and a cop and a boat, what more would you have me do?

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