Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Turkey Eve

I just put away the excess Swiss steak.  Not much veggies -- an onion, a half bag of frozen pepper strips (I'll start buying those from Trader Joe, I think -- bought a bag for $1.69 vs I think $2.50 at HT.  Pretty much elsewhere, the pepper mix is half onion.)  two carrots julienne, and about 2" from a stalk of celery, also julienne.  You could say fine grated on a mandolin or slivered or whatnot.  half inch size pieces, not inches long.  A can of diced tomato and a can of some brand of Pizza sauce from Sharp Shopper.  I trimmed the meat, sirloin, I think.  Not much marbling, but lots of pocket fat.  That's reserved for soup some day.  Floured with seasoned salt and pepper, browned a bit before covering in sauce.  Braised 3 hours, nice and flaky to the fork.  I ate mostly the sauce, with a couple little meat chunks, atop most the (brown) rice from a boil-in bag.  It filled my plate-sized bowl.  I could and there was a time when I would boil another bag and top with what's left.  I put it away and write right now because I'd rather have eaten it.

Other food today -- spaghetti for breakfast, a couple ounces of pork loin with a couple tablespoons of cranberry dressing.  Dressing was OK, nothing remarkable.  The jalapeno has more bite than the cranberry and the taste of pear comes through strong.  I'm not remembering if I had specific plans for tonight.  Those left over taters are calling me.  Erik hasn't arrived yet.  Thanksgiving service at church in an hour.  I'm wondering if I ought have brined the turkey.  Still a chance too.  I need to get the right kind of salt, I think.  I'm not sure about sugar in brine or how I might spice.  I've jalapeno and ginger -- not big quantities.  I've a little thyme getting rotten, or maybe already so.  I think toasting some seed -- fennel, allspice, fenugreek, and whatever.  It's just an 11 pound bird, and looks like 12 hour brine and 6 hour smoke is plenty of time for an early evening feast.

I'm not sure what to do with the whole meal.  Have stuffing ingredients, but won't be stuffing the bird.  The relish is made.  I've brussel sprouts, Pictsweet.  I plan to consult Erik for ways to do sweet potatoes.  I prefer a hash with breakfast sausage, cooked on the George Foreman grill.  That all should be plenty.  Eat light before and after. No sweets.  Specifics aren't coming to me.  I had planned on 7-layer dip tonight, though those potatoes are calling me.  I need to eat the rest of the slimy seaweed too.  I wanted to roast it.  Hmmmm.

I visited an old friend today.  I could probably step 9 him from now to Christmas.  I think I'll have the opportunity to do so.  I think I might step 5 with him if he's willing.  He knows his way around all this.  And a man my own age is better for the step 5 I need to do than a woman of any age.

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